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T H E  A P P


You start with a brown and red Earth - it is in danger and it is dying on your homepage. To keep it alive, navigate through your home page to add and complete tasks.  Each time you complete a task, your Earth turns green. This symbolises your contribution to our real Earth! Add tasks to your planner, validate them, earn points and save your Earth!  

This is where the real action begins! There are 4 task categories - Life, Eat, Shop and Connect. The categories help you achieve sustainability in all aspects of your life!




Each task will be valued with points - the harder the task, the higher the points. Your progress in each category is represented through the rings (as seen on the home page). The amount of points needed to fill a ring suggests the recommended degree of involvement one needs to create substantial lifestyle changes.


The planner lets you add tasks to your daily routine, seamlessly transitioning you into this sustainable lifestyle.


Once a task is completed, go to The Planner to validate your task! Once you have validated your task, a section of your Earth turns green! You can also share your progress with the community #ecoguide #sustainable #greenlifestyle.

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You can view you and your peers' achievements every week on the community feed. 


The online community empowers people around the idea of climate change and fosters intergenerational conversations about the climate crisis among players young or old!


The team hopes that when more people share their activities, this ‘green’ feed fuels the desire of users to take climate action! It is a supportive space where users can engage with each other's activities.

This is where you view updates about the community, your earth, task reminders and any other events happening around your area.

Eco Guide will share tips on sustainability, world news and quests in the notification section. 


Quests are infrequent, real and sometimes collaborative! Quests encourage you to tackle more challenging tasks such as writing a letter to your MP and attending a climate strike or a climate group activity. Completion of quests will reward you with a badge that you can boast on your profile!

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Watch the video to learn how to use Eco Guide!
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